Wednesday, 1 November 2017

44. OS 18. Too Tempting to Resist (Part 44)

Part 44

Arnav woke up feeling like a million dollars and stretched leisurely. He had slept deeply and felt refreshed and ready to bulldoze the world into obeying Arnav Singh Raizada’s demands.


He looked by him on the bed. She was conspicuous by her absence.

A smile appeared on his face as he thought of their frenetic activities last night. He pulled her pillow to him and breathed in the fragrance of the jasmine flowers that had been crushed by their bodies last night.

Where was she?

He looked around. The bathroom door was shut, but he couldn’t hear the shower running. So she wasn’t there, he thought. Maybe she had gone down for aarti.

He jumped out of bed and stretched again, loving the newfound sense of happiness...khushi...He smiled again.

The glass door to his garden was open. He could see golden light fall on the leaves and the still water of his pool. Birds were chirping on branches and he could see a couple of colourful butterflies flitting from one fragrant flower to the next. Titliyaa.... He smiled.

A gust of wind blew back strands of his hair. He shut his eyes, relishing the feeling. None of these were new, he knew. The sun rose every morning. Wind blew when it pleased. His garden was filled with flowers, birds, bees and plants. But he had never noticed them, never stopped to stare at them in wonder, never enjoyed the fruits of his labours.

Now everything was going to change, he decided. He ran his fingers through his hair, smiling. He was going to make the time to relax, to savour life with his wife.
Khushi....where was she? How did she feel after the night they had spent? He had made sure that she was as fine as she could be, but...

He wanted to see her, but couldn’t go down half-dressed. He smiled at the sight of his bare chest and the pyjama bottoms he had dragged on some time at night. He needed to freshen up. He moved to get fresh clothes and then strode to his bathroom, eager to go downstairs to Khushi.


“Nani, where is Khushi?” he asked as soon as he reached the dining room.

Nani smiled. “Khussi bitiya went to the temple,” she said.

His face fell.

“Don’t borry, Arnav bitwaa,” mami teased. “She bill come back soon.”

“Payaliya is with her, Chotey,” nani added. “Are you going to the office today?” she asked.

“,” he replied, looking away. “I...I think I will work from home today,” he muttered.

“That’s good, Chotey,” Anjali responded with a smile.

“When will Khushi be back?” he asked, unable to hide his eagerness.

Nani looked at mami and Anjali. They had to fight to hide their smiles.

“Oo kaa he, Arnav bitwaa,” mami replied, “today is the phirst Phriday of the monthwaa. So the girls have gone to pray at Devi Maiyya’s temple.”

“Which one?” he asked. Maybe he could drive over and get her.

The ladies looked at each other in amusement.

“We don’t know, Chotey,” Anjali said with a smile. “But Mohan is driving them. You can call him to find out.”

He nodded and excused himself from the table.


He looked at the clock.

One hour had passed since breakfast. Where was Khushi? He had called her about ten times, but she hadn’t answered her phone. Should he call Mohan? Or maybe he could just drive to the white temple by the banyan tree that Khushi frequented. Maybe she would be there.

He quickly pushed open his wardrobe.

As his hand reached for his black coat, he felt two arms clasp him from behind. Then he felt the soft, warm press of Khushi’s body against his back.

For one moment he stood frozen in the back hug. Then he turned around and pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight.

“Kahan chali gayi thi?” he asked, his anxious eyes running over her beautiful face and clear eyes looking at him with a world of love in them. “Tumhe pata bhi he how worried I was? Check your phone. I called you ten times. I was going to go to the temple...”

She shut him up effectively with one finger on his lips.

In the silence, their eyes spoke of love, understanding and acceptance.

“I wanted to thank Devi Maiyya,” she said softly, one palm cupping his cheek.

His eyes asked why.

“For giving you to me, Arnavji,” she replied simply.

He could only look at her in silence.

“I...I never thought...” Her voice fell away. After a moment, she tried again. “I never thought I would have a family again. Matlab, I have amma, babuji, buaji and jiji...,” she tried to explain, “...but other than them...hum ne kabhi nahi socha...that I will ever find someone...someone who would want me....”

“Khushi,” he murmured, his voice huskier than usual, moved beyond words.

“When I thought of shaadi, I knew babuji would fix it with a good boy from a good family. I...I wanted a lehenga with gota patti work, jalebis for the feast, red roses to decorate the venue, lights and the latest phillum songs playing...I never thought of the groom. He was immaterial to me, because...because I expected my shaadi to be a compromise. A stranger I would have to adjust to. I never thought I could be happy...” she said softly. “And then Devi Maiyya brought you into my life.” She blinked away tears. “I was so stupid. And blind. Humein samajh hi nahi aayi. I fought with you, called you rakshas and Laad Governor and tried to push you away...”

“Don’t cry, Khushi,” he pleaded, his finger wiping away a tear drop.

“I am not sad,” she comforted him. “Yeh Khushi ke aanso he,” she tried to cheer him up.

He smiled slightly.

She hugged him tight and burrowed into the gap between his neck and shoulder. Breathing in his scent, she whispered, “I can’t think of life without you, Arnavji.”

He buried his face in her hair. “You will never have to,” he promised. “You and me, hamesha.”

She looked up, her eyes meeting his. “Hamesha,” she whispered her promise.

He lowered his head and brushed his lips against hers.

She blushed and hid her face against his neck.

“You weren’t so shy last night,” he murmured in her ear, laughter in his voice.

Her fingers tightened on his back.

“I remember someone tearing my shirt off and...” he began to tease her.

Khushi quickly covered his mouth with her hand.

His wicked, molten chocolate eyes were tender, filled with love for her.

Her hand fell away. She moved closer to press her lips against his.

The End

Darlings, next story tomorrow.


  1. Nice story.... Waiting for new one tomorrow

  2. Yay!!! What a lovely ending. Can't wait for the new story to get started ❤️❤️

  3. Lovely story and awesome ending.

    Will wait for new one tomorrow...

  4. Loved the ending, touchingly beautiful. Eager for another story.

  5. Awwww they're so sweet! 😍😊 Can't believe this story came to an end. Happy for Khushi - she got someone of her own to fully love her now and ASR will always be the dominant man who becomes a puppy in his wifes presence. Thank you Smita-ji for this story and waiting impatiently for the next one. 😘😘

  6. Very sweet ending .. waiting for the next story

  7. So sweet. Didn't know what to expect while Arnav was fretting over Khushi's long disapperance.

    Smita, where can I find the first few posts for this story. I would like to read it again from the beginning.

    Thanks. Look forward to the next one.

  8. Smitaji, lovely ending. Though I would love to read more...Ka Katrin !!!! Well eagerly waiting for the next story.

  9. Uh oh! I can't believe I missed out so many of the chapters! And the story has already ended. Oh, how I missed your stories, Smitaji. Just as I already miss this one.
    Such a sweet, simple tale of love. Lovely ending, especially the bit where Khushi admits that she had not hoped to be loved so unconditionally, that she had always thought that her marriage would be a compromise for her. Truly, you have captured the very essence of Khushi's character in those few sentences.
    Waiting eagerly for your next story. Would you be put out if I compared you to the Santa Clause bearing gifts for excitable kids (your readers)? The similarity is truly uncanny!

  10. Lovely ending.. happy for our dear Khushi who got someone who loves her and wants her.. loved the ending.. will be looking forward to new story.. best wishes..

  11. Smita
    What a lovely ending to a beautiful story.
    Finally Khushi n Arnav succumbed to the temptations!!!. Totally irresistable.

    Khushi rightly said that she found her family in Arnav, someone to call her own without any inhibitions or judgements.
    Thanks for this lovely tale

  12. Awesome..beautiful ending.
    Khushi and arnav will treasure each other and their relationship for life.

  13. I found this blog recently. I read the stories in 1 and half days. They are amazing!! You are a wonderful writer!!

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  16. What a wonderful story wish you could continue it even more
